Monday, June 27, 2011

Breathe PEACE! Follow Up

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated online and offline, in the Breathe PEACE! event yesterday.

I am absolutely overjoyed by the response and the huge number of people I received emails from regarding my efforts to generate more Peace in this world. Clearly this was needed and so, as a result of all of you stepping up and making use of the space I created, I will be organizing this event again.While I have not chosen a date as yet, it will most likely be in the next couple of months giving me enough time to make more Peace connections.

I learned a lot from this experience and will be making some changes as to how I go about things next time making it easier for people to participate and getting more people involved. 

Until then, Breathe PEACE!

My deepest thanks to you,
Kristina Jansz

Monday, June 20, 2011

Breathe PEACE

Will you join me this Sunday, June 26th, 2011 for 10 minutes in the online Breathing Room to breathe Peace around the world?

To get a sense of how the Breathing Room works it would be a good idea to visit the website a day or two before hand and become comfortable with it. One of the wonderful things about this site is that we can see where around the world the others are who are breathing with us.

Here’s how it will work:

1. At 8:55am EST /Toronto time (or earlier if you’d like more time), sit and quiet your energy

2. At 9:00am EST enter the online Breathing Room. Here is the link:

3. In the lower left hand corner click on the ‘Universal Breathing Room’. In the right hand corner click on ‘Intentionalize’ and choose the intention, PEACE.

4. From 9:00am EST to 9:10am EST focus your intention on PEACE while you breathe. Draw the energy of Peace into you with each inhalation and with each exhalation send it out to the world

My intention will be that every being on our planet Earth; every child, woman and man, every leader, healer, convict and abuser, each and every heart that feels alone, lost and frightened, every plant, animal, droplet of water and the Earth herself, will experience an indescribable fullness of Peace and that within this experience of Peace, healing will take place, healing that will allow us to live in a more compassionate, loving and peaceful world.

5. There is power in numbers so while you are breathing your focused Intention, feel the energy of being joined together with others around the world who are doing this at the some time.

I very aware that for some of you participating in this, it will mean that you have to get up extremely early and to you my heart is filled with such great gratitude for this extra effort.

Thank you so very much and I’ll be with you in the Breathing Room this Sunday at 9:00am EST/ Toronto time,

Kristina Jansz